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Art Propagandha Show 2

Justin Blayney
Justin Blayney
Posted underArt Shows

I am happy to announce that I will be participating in an art show this weekend week based on one of my favourite topics “propaganda”. This time I will have 2 of my silk screen prints in the show.

Showing the latest works from Justin Blayney, Stanislav Plavcic, Nikola Rašković, Barney Sher, Louis Turcotte, Bojan Vidovic, Irma D’Alonzo & Riki Yao.

Opening party – Saturday, February 10, 2017, 7:00 PM – late, doors open @ 5:00 PM.
All are invited.

Location: 2381 Dundas Street West, Toronto ON

Artists Include:

Barney Sher | PAINTER

Bojan Vidovic | PAINTER

Justin Blayney | VISUAL ARTIST

Louis Turcotte | VISUAL ARTIST

Irma D’Alonzo | PAINTER

Nikola Raskovic | PHOTOGRAPHER

Riki Yao | PAINTER

Stanislav Plavcic | PAINTER

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