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Carlton Theatres Art Show

Justin Blayney
Justin Blayney
Posted underArt Shows

Once again I am partnered up with Art for All Canada and I am showing my artwork at Carlton Theatres for the months of September and October. The theatre is located at 20 Carlton St, Toronto, ON M5B 2H5, corner of Yonge and Carlton(College). You don’t have to purchase a movie ticket to se my work, it is in the lobby.

art for all canada justin blayney

Art for All Canada Mission Statement

“Art For All Canada (AFAC) is a not-for-profit, social enterprise whose mission is to help artists to develop their skills through educational programs and to help them to market their works without paying commissions – through galleries and art shows – at the lowest cost to the artist and the lowest cost to the buyer . join our e-mail list. Our Goal is to have affordable genuine, original art in every Canadian office and home by 2020.”

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Justin Blayney

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Justin Blayney
Justin Blayney