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Recent Fine Art Sales

Justin Blayney
Justin Blayney
Posted underArt

I am happy to announce that I have sold 11 pieces over the last 2 months! 7 were through a commission which I cannot reveal until the client has their own PR launch (Stay tuned!) and another was for a charity which I will be able to announce this week when they officially launch their event.

The 3 I can tell you about today are Stella (sold by Super Wonder Gallery),  as well as Dasha and Vivi (Both sold by Art Interiors). It is a very exciting month and I am very happy to work with both of these great galleries, they have more of my work for sale so please be sure to visit them and follow their events. A big thanks to my beautiful models who are a pleasure to work with.

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Justin Blayney
Justin Blayney

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Justin Blayney
Justin Blayney